“You have to grow from the inside. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.” ~ Swami Vivekananda

Hello friend,

Thank you for stopping by and spending your valuable time on my website.

And in case you were actually searching for  ‘Life’ or ‘Wellness’ and ended up here, then please accept my heartiest Congratulations. It is not just because I am a Wellness evangelist myself but I earnestly believe that it always starts with a simple search or a minor enquiry which acts as a very first step in realizing ones ultimate dreams. Good Luck with that!

So a brief about me – I’m a working professional, based in Bangalore, with around 18 years of  IT experience. I have always been fascinated by the potential of human mind and human body. In my own journey so far, I have explored various realms…be it human anatomy or positive psychology…yoga or holistic healing…physical fitness or mindfulness … counselling or coaching; one consistent message is that we humans have unlimited potential. All we need is to explore ‘inward’ and move ‘forward’.

Apart from providing coaching/counselling services, this website is also my attempt to share thoughts and collaborate with like minded people. You can send query at coach@piyushsharma.me to explore more possibilities.

Stay inspired!

~ Piyush Sharma

  • Certified Coach from Results Coaching Group / Neuro-Leadership Group
  • Certified Counsellor from Manford Group
  • Certified Hata Yoga Teacher (RYT500, QCI Level 2 Yoga Teacher)
  • Work areas: Coaching, Counselling and Yoga